Dental Bridges Versus Implants

Dental Bridges Versus Implants

Have you ever wondered how dentists help people replace missing teeth? Well, wonder no more, because today we’re going to dive into the world of dental bridges in Rocky Mountain House and implants. These are two popular ways dentists fix gaps in your smile. Let us compare them to see which one might be best for you.

What’s the Scoop on Dental Bridges?

Imagine a bridge you walk on, connecting two sides. A dental bridge works in a similar way, filling the gap left by a missing tooth. Here’s how it works:


Making a dental bridge is like crafting a puzzle piece. The dentist begins by shaping the teeth on either side of the gap. Then, they take measurements and send them to a lab, where the bridge is custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly. Once ready, the dentist cements the bridge in place, creating a seamless smile.


  1. Quick Process: Compared to implants, getting a dental bridge usually takes less time.
  2. Affordable: Bridges can be more budget-friendly than implants, especially if you need to replace several teeth.
  3. Non-Invasive: There’s no surgery involved, making it a less scary option for some people.


  1. Less Permanent: Bridges might need replacing after some years, unlike implants, which can last longer.
  2. Requires Healthy Teeth: You need strong teeth on either side of the gap to support the bridge.
  3. Cleaning Challenges: Cleaning under the bridge can be tricky, so extra care is needed to keep it clean and healthy.

Now, Let’s Talk About Dental Implants!

Dental implants near you are like the superheroes of tooth replacement. Instead of just filling the gap, they replace the missing tooth root as well. Here’s what you need to know:


Getting an implant is a bit like planting a seed. First, the dentist surgically places a small metal post (the implant) into your jawbone. Over time, the bone grows around the implant, holding it securely in place. Finally, a custom-made artificial tooth, called a crown, is attached to the implant, giving you a brand-new tooth that looks and feels natural.


  1. Long-Term Solution: With proper care, implants can last a lifetime, making them a durable option.
  2. Preserves Jawbone: Implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to keep it healthy and strong.
  3. Easy to Clean: Implants are cleaned just like natural teeth, making oral hygiene a breeze.


  1. Surgical Procedure: Getting an implant involves surgery, which can be scary for some people.
  2. Costlier: Implants tend to be more expensive upfront compared to bridges.
  3. Time-Consuming: The process of getting an implant can take several months from start to finish.

What is Better: a Dental Implant or Bridge?

Concluding tooth implant vs. dental bridge depends on your unique situation. If you’re looking for a quick and affordable solution and have healthy neighbouring teeth, a dental bridge might be the way to go. 

However, if you want a long-term, durable option that feels just like a natural tooth and are willing to invest the time and money, then implants could be the better choice.

Last Thoughts

Whether you opt for a dental bridge or an implant, both can help restore your smile and confidence. Remember, discussing your options with your dentist in Rocky Mountain House to find the best solution for your specific needs is essential. 

And hey, don’t forget to keep brushing and flossing regularly to keep your pearly whites shining bright! That’s all for now, young scholars. Keep smiling and learning! Aspen Dental Clinic: experts in dental bridges and implants. Get personalized advice to choose the best option for your smile. Trusted care for healthier teeth!
